Self Ministry will begin here!  Please review the information below and then proceed in numerical order by clickable links in the chart below.

  1. Problem listThe Problem list consists of two pages listing descriptive titles of the problems you may have had or are currently having, which represent the demonic entities which bring oppression to individuals’ lives.  Carefully read this Problem List and checkmark each area where you are having a problem in your life.
  1. Introduction:  Ministry Director, Sandra Williamson, shares her testimony of freedom, restoration and victory over the array of demonic strongholds that formerly affected her life.  Sandra will also give you a ministry overview so that you may know what to expect through the course of the God’s ER ministry process.
  1. Preliminary Prayer:  This prayer is to be SINCERELY PRAYED by each participant prior to individual ministry.  DO NOT PROCEED PAST THIS PRAYER WITHOUT FIRST PRAYING THIS PRAYER – OUT LOUD!!!  The directive of the prayer states our allegiance to the Word of God and our surrender to Him.  It puts the enemy and his forces on notice that we follow Jesus.  It is a general covering prayer that binds the works of darkness from operating throughout the ministry session.  As you watch this video, you will repeat after the instructor and make some final notes on your Problem List upon the conclusion of the video.
  1. Prayer to Break Judgments, Curses, Oaths and Soul Ties:  The Soul consists of your Mind, Will, and Emotions. When we choose to hold unforgiveness, make judgments, proclaim curses, or take oaths, we bind our souls.  When we are wrongly connected to people, places, or things, or an unrighteous religion or ungodly mindset, there is a bond created that we call a “soul tie”. This means that you are connected in the soul-realm to this thing in a way that is beyond the boundaries of Scripture. In breaking these bondages, you are freed from all things as is stated in Acts 13:39.
  1. Emotional Healing:  Unforgiveness and emotional wounds are two separate results of an experienced trauma.  Forgiveness is only one part of the process of receiving emotional healing. After releasing people through forgiveness, we must allow the Lord Jesus, our Healer, to bring healing to the place we have been wounded and where we carry pain. Through this process, we are able to receive His freedom from the areas in which the enemy has damaged us and held us captive.
  1. Working the Problem List:  It is necessary to address the demonic forces so that they are all removed, along with all their affects from our lives. As each identified oppressor on the Problem List is addressed, we:

1. Rebuke (tell it to “stop”),

2. Renounce (make the declaration “I don’t want anything to do with you anymore, and wish I had never had anything to do with you!),

3. Remove (tell it to leave and take all its affects with him),

4. Repent (Ask the Father, in Jesus’ name to forgive you for allowing these spirits access to your life).

  1. Staying Free:There are two sets of classes, each with eight lessons, which provide the critical information and teachings that will assist you to:
    1. Maintain Your Freedoms (class 1) and provide
    2. Basic Training For Christians (class 2) to prepare you as a warrior in God’s Army.


Please note, there  is a corresponding download (PDF file) that you will need for part of the self-ministry.  Please print the download, read, and complete PRIOR to beginning that self-ministry video.



Name of section


Link to Self-Ministry Video

Time Needed

 1 Problem list


See instructions above

15 min

 2 Introduction


Introduction and Testimony

1 hr

 3 Preliminary Prayer


Preliminary Prayer

20 min

 4 Prayer to break Judgments, Curses, Oaths and Soul Ties and for Emotional Healing


Ministry Intro
Opening Prayer
Prayer Ministry

Contingent on number

Repeat #4 for each person written on your Problem list.
 5 Working the Problem List


Problems List
Closing Prayer

Contingent on number

 6 Staying free – classes

Go to class lessons

KEYS TO STAY FREEJesus freed many people from the oppression of the devil.  He gave  us instruction after deliverance and healing which gives us the power and the  tools to stay free:

  1. Read the Word out loud each day – II Timothy 3:16-17
  2. Pray (talk to God) everyday- Ephesians 6:18
  3. Have Christian fellowship – Matthew 18:19-20
  4. Keep the doors closed (don’t go back to doing what you used to do) – Galatians 5:16-26
  5. Resist the Devil by speaking the Word – James 4:7
  6. Strengthen your Spirit Man – declare the Word – Mark 11:22-25; Ephesians 1:3-23; 16-20
  7. Make Godly choices – Deuteronomy 30:19

Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.  John 8:32